Ting Kwok-fai
Professor, Department of Sociology, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Interest
Statistics, Social stratification, Marriage and family
Personal Link
TING Kwok-fai | Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Kwok-fai Ting received his bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and completed his PhD at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Before joining this department, he spent one year at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development and Education in Berlin as a post-doctoral fellow and three years at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a research associate. Dr Ting began his research career in structural equation modelling and social stratification issues. He wrote a computer routine, CTA, that enables researchers to conduct confirmatory tetrad analyses on structural equation models. More recently, he has worked on issues relating to marriage and family, particularly marital relationships in Hong Kong. Dr Ting founded the Centre for Chinese Family Studies in 2008 and served as its Director until 2014. In 2008 he received a grant to conduct a comparative family study in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. Dr Ting was also a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Marriage and Family between 2003 and 2009 and Chairman of the Editorial Board for the Cross-border Families Forum between 2013 and 2014. He is an enthusiastic promoter of rigorous research methods, conducting numerous research seminars organised by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Central Policy Unit and the Vocational Training Council. His publications appear in Sociological Methodology, Sociological Methods and Research, Structural Equation Modeling, Multivariate Behavior Research, Psychological Methods, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, International Migration Review, Journal of Educational Psychology, Research in Higher Education, Sociological Spectrum, Economic Development and Cultural Change and Housing Policy Debate.
- 2017 (Co-authored with Ho-Won Jung) “An empirical evaluation of ISO/IEC 15504-5 capability measures: Reflective or formative.” Computer Standards & Interfaces 53:123–130.
- 2017 (Co-authored with Zixi Liu) “Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Legal Education in China: Legitimacy and Diffusion of an Academic Discipline from 1949 to 2012.” Comparative Education Review 61(3):558-580.
- 2015 (Co-authored with Hua Guo)“Policy Feedback in Transitional China: The sectoral divide and electoral participation.” Social Science Research 54:233-245
- 2014 “Continuities and Changes: Five Decades of Marital Experiences in Hong Kong.” Pp. 147-164 in Wives, Husbands, and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China. Edited by Deborah S. Davis and Sara L. Friedman. CA: Stanford University Press.
- 2014 “The Changing Pattern of Marital Satisfaction in Hong Kong.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 45(1):113-126.
- 2008 (Co-authored with S. Choi) “Wife Beating in South Africa: An Imbalance Theory of Resources and Power.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 23:834-852.
- 2005 (Co-authored with S. Chiu and S. Choi). “Getting Ahead in the Capitalist Paradise: Migration from China and Socioeconomic Attainment in Colonial Hong Kong. The International Migration Review, 39(1): 203-228.
- 2004 「香港女性的社會流動趨勢」。載於《香港、台灣和中國內地的社會階級變遷》,劉兆佳、李明?、尹寶珊、黃紹倫編,頁109-127。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。
- 2004 “Influential Cases.” Pp.491-493 in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, edited by Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman and Tim Futing Liao. London: SAE Publications.”
- 2003(與梁懿剛合著)「數碼鴻溝:誰可以通往互聯網之路?」《香港社會學學報》,第四期,頁135-154。
- 2003 (Co-authored with Y. K. Leung). ” Staying Away from the Information Superhighway: Resource Constraints or Personal Choice?” Pp. 277-298, Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kng 2001.
- 2002 (Co-authored with S. Chiu). “Leaving the Parental Home: Chinese Culture in an Urban Context.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 64: 614-626.
- 2001「生男與生女:香港生育觀念的變遷」。載於《社會轉型與文化變貌:華人社會的比較》,劉兆佳、李明?、尹寶珊、黃紹倫編,頁259-272。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所
- 2000「從階級分析看香港的家庭分工」。載於《市場、階級與政治:變遷中的華人社會》,劉兆佳、李明?、尹寶珊、黃紹倫編,頁231-250。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。
- 2000 “Cross-level Effects of Class Characteristics on Students’ Perceptions of Teaching Quality.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 92: 818-825.”
- 2000 “A Multilevel Perspective on Student Ratings of Instruction: Lessons from the Chinese Experience.” Research in Higher Education, 41: 637-661.”
- 2000 (Co-authored with C. Chiu). “Materialistic Values in Hong Kong and Guangzhou: A Comparative Analysis of Two Chinese Societies.” Sociological Spectrum, 20: 15-40.
- 2000 (Co-authored wtih K. Bollen). “A Tetrad Test for Causal Indicators.” Psychological Methods, 5: 3-22.
- 1999 “Measuring Teaching Quality in Hong Kong’s Higher Education: Reliability and Validity of Student Ratings.” edited by J. James in Quality in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Pp. 46-54. Hong Kong Polytechnic University.”
- 1998 “The Tetrad Approach to Model Respecification.” Multivariate Behavior Research 33: 157-164.”
- 1998 “Bootstrapping a Test Statistic for Vanishing Tetrads.” (with K. Bollen). Sociological Methods and Research 27:77-102.”
- 1998 (Co-authored with C. Chiu and G. Tso and H. Cai). “A Comparison of Occupational Values Between Capitalist Hong Kong and Socialist Guangzhou.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 46: 729-770.
- 1996 “Jobless and Poverty in America’s Central Cities: Causes and Policy Prescriptions.” (with J. Kasarda). Housing Policy Debate 7:387-419.”
- 1995 “Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis in SAS.” Structural Equation Modeling 2:163-171.”
- 1993 “Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis” (with K. Bollen). In Sociological Methodology, edited by Peter Marden, pp. 147-175.”